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How to Know If An Aging Friend or Relative Needs Help

Often times, the ones we love live quite a distance from us. When that person is an elder, it can be hard to judge whether they are handling activities of daily living well on their own as our only form of communication is a phone call.

It can be difficult to tell if an aging friend or relative needs help. Contacting friends, neighbors, local relatives, and doctors can help you find out how they are doing.

Checking in with aging friends and relatives via telephone is a great and necessary duty, but sometimes, it is not always the best way to tell whether or not they need help. They may be embarrassed to admit they cannot handle certain activities, or they may just not want to worry you. When you feel this might be the case, some investigative work (with their consent) may be needed.

You could begin by reaching out to those people that come into regular contact with them such as friends, neighbors, doctors or other local relatives. Ask them to check in with you periodically and call you with any concerns they may have about your aging friend or relative.

If you are able to visit, make sure to watch out for trouble areas in the home or activities that they may be struggling with. You may also want to observe their mood: are they depressed? Often times, a person may be able to hide these trouble areas or moods during a brief phone call, but cannot do so during a longer visit.

If you feel like the one you love is having trouble with activities of daily living, Sunshine Home Care may be able to help. We offer a wide range of services that include things such as skilled nursing, home health aides, and private duty care. Contact us or call us at 1-877-477-2014 today for a consultation.

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