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Heart screenings offered in Elk City, OK

Great Plains Regional Medical Center in Elk City, OK will be offering discouted heart screenings in Elk City.

Great news Elk City, OK friends! As part of American Heart Month, Great Plains Regional Medical Center will be offering discounted heart screenings in Elk City. They are offering cardiac calcium screenings for only $25 as long as you schedule your appointment by February 28th, 2018.

Great Plains Regional Medical Center is located at 1801 W. 3rd St. in Elk City, OK 73664 (this is located on Business I-40 for those of you that are driving in from out of town). To make an appointment contact them at 580-821-5565.

What is a cardiac calcium screening?

A cardiac calcium screening is a computer tomography (CT) scan to produce special x-rays to take a look at your coronary arteries. The CT scan itself involves ingesting contrast material, receiving and IV, and passing through a CT machine. It is a quick and painless procedure.

What a cardiac calcium screening is looking for is the amount of calcified plaque that is built up in your arteries. Calcified plaque build up in the arteries is a major indicator of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). CAD is the leading type of heart disease in men and women. Heart disease itself is the leading cause of death in America!

This type of screening is often used for individuals that have the risk factors of heart disease but display no symptoms. Risk factors for heard disease include:

How do I prepare for a CT scan?

A CT scan is a relatively simple procedure that requires no real preparation, but here are some things to keep in mind:

  • The first thing you need to do is stop eating, drinking, smoking and avoid caffeine for four hours prior to the procedure. This does not include medications however; continue to take those as you normally would.

  • Wear loose fitting clothing, as you may be asked to wear a gown.

  • Advise the facility performing the scan if you are allergic to any contrast material, as ingestion of contrast material is needed for the CT scan.

  • Remove all metal from your person (earrings, hearing aids, underwear containing metal wire, etc.)

  • Advise the facility if you are or may be pregnant.

What now?

Talk with your doctor about what your calcium score means and ways that you can change your lifestyle to be more heart healthy (such a this heart healthy diet or getting more exercise). Depending on your results, your doctor may present other medical treatment options as well.

Learn more

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Sunshine Home Care provides home health in Elk City, OK and most of Western Oklahoma. For more information on our agency, visit here or contact us today.

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